Teleflora's Morning Melody
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day!
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day!
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day!
Orientation : One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)
This is a limited-edition Flowers-in-a-Gift selection which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.
11" H
10 1/2" W
Standard - $57.50
12 1/2" H
13" W
Deluxe - $69.50